I’m Brianne,
and I have plans.
Creative frontend developer (to-be).
More about me
A blog to keep track, because, in the words of Jeremy Keith
The more you tighten your grip, the more the world wide web slips through your fingers.
Goals and plans
Everything I wish to learn and achieve by the end of the Web Design & Development minor.
Goal 1: Styling
Intuitively write CSS &
become a master at
responsive coding
„The amount of times I rely on search engines for questions like how do I vertically align an element in a section? is frankly embarrassing...〞
Goal 2: User experience
Utilize transitions and animations to enhance the UX
Goal 3: Personal

Set clear milestones & and success criteria
Or perhaps, as said by Pim Teeuwisse and Marieke de Hoop
Digital accessibility isn't just about compliance; it's about empathy and inclusivity.
Recent Blogs
The three most recently published blogs to keep you up to date!
June 5th, 2024
On view transitions for single-page applications.
CSS JavaScript
June 5th, 2024
Miriam Suzanne
On container queries.
May 22nd, 2024
De Waag
On their FutureLab, fairness and inclusivity.
Accessibility Life
My journey continues, currently best described by Rosa Schuurman
Surround yourself with people who inspire you, companies doing cool things, and intern there.